Head Office and Research Laboratory
Head Office
HTS Conductor Processing & Power Application Div.
KSP R&D Wing A-9F
3-2-1 Sakado,Takatsu-ku,Kawasaki-Shi,Kanagawa, 213-0012 Japan
Tel: +81-44-850-1611, Fax: +81-44-850-1613
Hiyoshi Lab. Materials/Physics & Electronic Devices Div.
2-11-19 Minowa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 223-0051, Japan
Tel +81-45-560-1350, Fax +81-45-560-1351.
The nearest station is Tokyu-Toyoko Line "Hiyoshi" Station. Hiyoshi Lab. is about 7 minutes away by bus from "Hiyosi Eki Higashi-guchi" zeroth bus station (East Exit) to "Tsunashima-higashi 4-chome" which is the nearest bus station.

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